
Introduction to Transformers

Introduction to Transformers
Introduction to Transformers

If you’ve been around electric appliances for any amount of time, you’d probably have heard of the transformer. Yes, they are those huge bulky things found in street corners, which make random scary noises and occasionally spit sparks. Your phone charger also has a kind of small transformer too, but much, much smaller and with a completely different mechanism.

What is a Transformer?

一个transformeris a device that uses the principles of electromagnetism to convert one voltage or current to another. It consists of a pair of insulated wires wound around a magnetic core. The winding to which we connect the voltage or current to be converted is called the primary winding and the output winding is called the secondary winding.

变压器有两种品种,加大范围h increases the voltage or current, and steps down, which decreases the voltage or current input. For example, the transformer in your microwave Oven is a secondary transformer that is used to supply around 2200Volts to the vacuum tube in the Microwave Oven.


How important are transformers in the electrical system?

It was around 1856 when two brilliant minds Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison were having a rivalry against each other. Those were the times when electricity and its applications of glowing a bulb and running a motor were just being noticed. It was Edison and his associates who first discovered DC (Direct Current) system, then sometime after that Tesla came up with his AC (Alternating current) system. Since then, both were trying to prove that their system is more advantageous than the other.

By then, the time has come for houses to get electricity. While Edison was busy demonstrating how dangerous AC is by electrocuting elephants, Tesla and his team came up with the transformers which made transmitting electricity a lot easier and more efficient. Even, today Transformers play a vital role in the transmission system. Let’s know why.

与高电压和lo传输电力w currents will help us reduce the thickness of the transmission wires and thus the cost, it also increases the efficiency of the system. For this reason, a standard transmission system can be anywhere between 22KV to 66KV, while some generators in the power plant has an output voltage of only 11kV, and the household AC appliance requires only 220V/110V. So where does this voltage conversion take place and who does it.


Transformer Symbols

Transformer symbols

The circuit symbol for a transformer is simply two电感器并排组合相同的核心。两个绕组之间的线的性质表示所使用的核心类型:虚线表示铁氧体,两条平行线表示层压铁,无线表示空气芯。

有时,“颠簸”的数量被用作变压器函数的粗略指示 - 一侧的颠簸更少,另一侧的颠簸可能意味着第一侧的弯曲数比另一侧少。


understand the working of a transformer, we need to go back in time, to Michael Faraday’s laboratory.

Michael Faraday can perhaps be called the father of the transformer since it was his experiments that helped us understand electromagnetism and develop devices like motors and generators.

In the late 1800s, when it was discovered that electricity and magnetism were related phenomena, there was a race to try and build a practical device that could harness the power of magnets to generate electricity.

Faraday found out that electricity could be generated by bringing a magnet close to a coil of wire. What he discovered was that voltage will be produced only when the magnetic field was changing, that is, if he moved either the coil or the magnet relative to the other.

In DC, the current flow is steady and so is the magnetic field. Since the field is steady and not changing, there is no voltage induced on the secondary and the transformer just looks like a normal coil of resistive wire to the power supply. So transformers do not work with DC currents.



一个s shown in the figure, the transformer consists of two windings wound on a magnetic core.

The purpose of having a core is because air is not a very good supporter of magnetic fields, so having a magnetic core increases the magnetic field for a given amount of current flowing through one winding, which in turn creates a stronger current in the other, increasing the overall efficiency of the device.

When a current passes through the primary, a magnetic field is set up in the core and is confined mostly to the core.



Vout/Vin = Nsec/Npri


So if you have two transformers, one with 100 turns on the primary and 1000 on the secondary and another with 10 turns on the primary and 100 turns on the secondary, you can calculate the turns ratio to be 1:10 for both, so they both step up voltage to the same level.

Transformer Properties

If we have a closer look at the example given above, the first transformer will have a greater winding resistance (since more wire is used) and in some cases that might limit the amount of current that can be drawn from the transformer. This property is called winding resistance, but in most cases it does not really matter since the copper wire used generally has a low resistance.


Looking at each of the transformer windings, we can see that they are constructed just like inductors – a coil of wire wound around a magnetic core – and have an inductance too.


lpri/lsec = npri2/nsec2


The proportionality constant for a given core can be found in the datasheet and is usually given in units of µH/turn2. The exact value depends on the type and size of core.

Supposing you have a transformer core with a specification of 1uH/turn2. If you wind one winding on that core, then the inductance will be the value of the constant multiplied by the number of turns squared, in this case 1. So the inductance of that one winding will be 1µH. If you wind another winding with 10 turns on the same core, then the inductance will be:

(1µh/turn2)*(10圈)2 = 100µH

Since the windings have inductance, they provide an impedance to AC signals, given by the formula:

XL = 2π*f*L


Say you want to design a transformer that draws 3A at 220V AC at 50Hz, which is standard power line frequency. Then the impedance of the primary would need to be 73.3 Ohms by Ohm’s law. Now that we know the impedance required and the frequency, we can rearrange the formula to find out the inductance necessary for the winding:

L = (XL)/(2π*f)

Substituting the values, we find that the inductance needed would be 233mH.

Using this information and the value of µH/turns2 from the datasheet, we can calculate the windings required to get the inductance required.

Supposing that value is 50µH/turns2, then we can rearrange the formula to find out the inductance:

transformer number of turns


一个pplying our values in the formula, we get a required number of turns of 2158. So as you can see, one you get the hang of the formulas, you can design transformers for nearly any application!


对于需要缠绕自己的变压器的任何人,transformer constructionis essential.

一个transformer consists of a few basic components, below are the transformer parts:



The bobbin is the basic framework for any transformers. It provides a spool on which to wind the windings and also holds the core in place. It is usually made up of a heat resistant plastic. It also sometimes contains metal pins onto which you can solder the ends of the windings if you want to mount it to a PCB, for instance.



This is probably the most important part of the transformer. As shown in the picture, the cores can come in many shapes and sizes. It is the magnetic properties of the core that determine the electrical properties of the transformer which is built around the core.



Thought it may seem like a trivial thing, the wire used in the construction is as important as any other aspect. Solid enameled copper wire is generally used, since the insulation is strong and thin, so no wasted space due to plastic insulating sheaths.




This is probably the most common application for transformers – stepping down mains voltage for low voltage appliances. You might even find these inside things like microwaves and old TVs and wall brick power supplies. These transformers have iron cores which gives excellent permeability but makes them bulky and somewhat less powerful than other types.

They are marked like 12-0-12 or 6-0-6 with three secondary wires. This means that the outer two wires have an output of 12V AC RMS if you make the center wire the ground reference. If you measure across both the 12v winding, you will get 24V AC RMS. This gives you flexibility on how you might want to use the transformer.



These are a very special type of power supplies that take a DC input and produce a DC output. They are found all modern phone chargers. The transformers used in these PSUs are designed more like inductors with a small number of turns and ferrite cores with medium-to-high permeability. A DC voltage is applied across the ‘primary’ for a short time so that the current ramps up to a certain level and stores some magnetic energy in the core. This energy is then transferred to the secondary at a lower voltage because it has a smaller number of turns. They operate at high frequencies and achieve excellent efficiencies and are very small.






世界各地的大多数国家都使用220V AC作为标准供应电压,但像美国这样的一些国家使用110V AC。这意味着在所有国家 /地区都不能使用一些搅拌机等设备。为此,我们可以使用将110V转换为220V的变压器,反之亦然,以确保可以在任何国家 /地区使用电器。



These are special kinds of transformers that are used to match the impedance of the source and the load. They see extensive use in RF and audio circuits.




这是一种特殊的变压器类型,只有一个绕组,带有构成次要的“ TAP”输出。通常,此水龙头是可变的,因此您可以更改输出交流电压,有点像电压分隔器。



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