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Pin Number

Pin Name



A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 & A7

These are the 8-bit address bits, which is used to protect your data. We should set the bits in same pattern on Encoder and Decoder IC to pair them.



Connected to the Ground of circuit

10 to 13

AD0, AD1, AD2 & AD3

这四个引脚用于通过解码HT12E IC的数据来获得数据位





Oscillator pins 1 & 2

The IC has a built in oscillator. This oscillator can be used by connecting these two pins through a 1M Resistor


Valid Transmission (VT)

This pin will go high when a data is received. It is not mandatory to use it.



This pin powers the IC should use only 5V


  • 12-bit Decoder IC to be used with HT12E
  • Decoded data has 4 Data bits and 8 Address bits (8+4=12-bits)
  • Commonly used for RF and IR wireless transmission
  • 操作电压5V
  • 在VCC = 5V处的低架子电流为0.1UA
  • Available in 16-pin DIP, 20-pin SOP

Note:完整的技术细节可以在ht12ddatasheetgiven at the end of this page.


PT2272, 74C922

在哪里使用HT12D RF解码器

TheIC HT12Dcan be used only with its pairht12e。These two ICs together form anEncoderand Decoder pair。它们是12位编码器/解码器,这意味着它们可以在其中传输12位数据。但是您的编码器IC不应与他人的解码器IC进行通信,因此编码器和解码器IC对将共享一个公共地址,即8位数据。因此,在12位中,将使用8位用于设置地址,其余的4位将用于传输数据。使用4位数据,我们可以创建16种类型(2^4 = 16)组合。这些IC通常与RF对或IR对一起使用。因此,如果您正在研究一个必须通过电线或无线传输4位数据到另一端传输4位数据的项目,那么此IC对将最适合您。

How to use a HT12D RF Decoder

的主要功能ht12d是解码输入引脚接收的12位。由于IC带有内置振荡器,因此很容易使IC起作用。IC应由5V(引脚18)供电,地面引脚(引脚9)接地。对于解码数据,IC将需要一个oscillator,幸运的是这个集成电路有一个内置的。We just have to connect the OSC1 and OSC2 (pin 15 & 16) through a 470K resistor to invoke it. The 4-bit data that is received can be obtained on pins AD0 to AD1 and an address of 8-bit has to be set using the pins A0 to A7. It is very important that your Decoder should have the same address of that of the encoder. A basicHT12D IC的电路图is shown below

ht12dCircuit Diagram

在上面的电路中,我通过将所有地址引脚连接到地面,将8位地址数据设置为0B00000000。如果您想要安全性,则可以将8个引脚中的任何一个连接到5V,以使其高。完整的IC由 +5V电源提供动力,可以从电压调节器中获得7805。The pins AD3, AD2, AD1 and AD0 are connected to any Digital IC that can read the 4-bit data. They can also be connected to LED to physically view the received data. In this the 4-bit output data is just shown as “?” since we do not know what the Encoder IC has sent to the Input pin. If any valid data is received they can be obtained from these four pins.

To know how a 4-bit data can be encoded and then send to the input pin of this IC, we have to understand the working of theht12eEncoder ICwhich is given这里


  • Used to convert Parallel 4-bit data to series data
  • Highly useful in wireless communication projects involving RF or IR
  • Remote controlled systems like garage doors, Car alarm system, Car door controls etc.
  • Can be used in Home automation for short range remote switching
  • 安全系统,例如防盗警报系统,烟雾或火灾警报系统等。

2D Model of HT12D (DIP 18-pin)

HT12D IC尺寸

Component Datasheet

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