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Sound detection sensor moduledetects the intensity of sound where sound is detected via a microphone and fed into anLM393 op-amp. It comprises an onboard potentiometer to adjust the setpoint for sound level.

Sound Detection Sensor Module Pin Configuration

Pin Name



The Vcc pin powers the module, typically with +5V


Power Supply Ground


Digital Output Pin. Directly connected to digital pin of Microcontroller


Analog Output Pin. Directly connected to an analog pin of Microcontroller

Sound Detection Sensor ModuleFeatures & Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V to 5V DC
  • LM393 comparator with threshold preset
  • PCB Size: 3.4cm * 1.6cm
  • Induction distance: 0.5 Meter
  • Operating current:4~5 mA
  • Microphone Sensitivity (1kHz): 52 to 48 dB
  • Easy to use with Microcontrollers or even with normal Digital/Analog IC
  • Small, cheap and easily available

Alternate Sensor Modules:IR Sensor Module,ADXL335加速度计模块,HMC5883L Magnetometer Module,土壤湿度传感器,火焰传感器模块,Hall Effect Sensor Module

Related Components:Microphone,LM393 Comparator IC,10K Potentiometer,引领,leyu乐鱼app

Brief about Sound Detection Sensor Module

This Sound Detection Sensor Module consists of a Microphone, resistors, capacitor, potentiometer, comparator LM393 IC, Power, and status LED in an integrated circuit.

LM393 IC

LM393 Comparator IC is used as a voltage comparator in this Sound Detection Sensor Module. Pin 2 of LM393 is connected to Preset (10KΩ Pot) while pin 3 is connected to Microphone. The comparator IC will compare the threshold voltage set using the preset (pin2) and the Microphone pin (pin3).


The microphone in the Sound sensor module detects the sound. This sound is fed into the LM393 IC.

Preset (Trimmer pot)

Using the onboard preset, you can adjust the threshold (sensitivity) of the digital output.

Sound Detection Sensor Module Description

How to Use Sound Detection Sensor Module

Sound Detection Sensor Module consists of four pins i.e. VCC, GND, DO, AO. Digital out pin is connected to the output pin of LM393 comparator IC while the Analog pin is connected to Microphone. The internal Circuit diagram of the Sound Detection Sensor Module is given below.

Sound Detection Sensor Module Internal Circuit Diagram

Using Sound Detection Sensor Module with a microcontroller is very easy. Connect the Analog/Digital Output pin of the module to the Analog/Digital pin of Microcontroller. Connect VCC and GND pins to 5V and GND pins of Microcontroller. When the sound level exceeds the setpoint, an LED on the module is illuminated and the output is set low.


  • Hearing aids
  • 电话
  • Tape recorders and karaoke
  • 现场和录音音频engineering
  • Radio and television broadcasting
  • Speech recognition technology

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