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Arm Cortex-M7 SoC Radiation-Hardened Technology-Based SAMRH71 MPU and SAMRH707 MCU for Space Systems

Arm Cortex-M7 SoC Radiation-Hardened Technology-Based Microcontroller
Arm Cortex-M7 SoC Radiation-Hardened Technology-Based Microcontroller

Microchip Technology has introduced the Arm Cortex-M7 SoCradiation-hardened technologyimplemented SAMRH71 Arm-based microprocessor (MPU) and the SAMRH707 microcontroller (MCU). The radiation-hardened SAMRH71 provides a combination of space connectivity interfaces along with high-performance architecture with more than200 Dhrystone MIPS (DMIPS). The SAMRH71’s Arm Cortex-M7 core is coupled withhigh-bandwidth communication interfacessuch as SpaceWire, MIL-STD-1553, CAN FD, and Ethernet with IEEE 1588 Generalized Precision Time Protocol (gPTP) capabilities for offering high-level radiation performance, extreme temperatures, and high reliability.

As an expansion of Microchip’s radiation-hardened Arm Cortex-M7-based MCUs portfolio, the SAMRH707 device provides analog functions on top of a>100 DMIPS processor单位与数字信号Processing (DSP) capabilities, combined withspace connectivity interfaces在一个小足迹为高层拉迪亚而设计的tion performance, extreme temperatures and high reliability. The device comes with a high level of integration embedded Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) and flash memory, high-bandwidth communication interfaces including SpaceWire, MIL-STD-1553, and CAN FD, along with analog functions such as a 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC).

For support and to speed up the system design developers can use the SAMRH71F20-EK and SAMRH707F18-EK evaluation boards. Both the devices are supported by the company’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for development.

Features of SAMRH71 Microprocessor

  • Arm Cortex M7 Core running up to 100 Mhz delivering up to 200 DMips
  • 768 Kbytes of multiport SRAM
  • SpaceWire interface with two SpaceWire ports with Integrated RMAP support and embedded SpaceWire router
  • One 1553 interface with redundant links compliant to MIL-STD-1553B standard
  • No Single-Event Latch-up Below an LET Threshold of 62.5 MeV.cm2 /mg @125°C
  • Total Ionizing Dose of 100 krad(Si)

Features of SAMRH707 Microcontroller

  • Arm Cortex M7 Core running up to 50 Mhz delivering up to 100 DMips
  • One 16-channels 12-bit 1 Msps-per-channel Analog-to-Digital Controller (ADC)
  • One 2-channels 12-bit 1 Msps-per-channel Digital-to-Analog Controller (DAC)
  • No Single-Event Latch-up Below an LET Threshold of 62.5 MeV.cm2 /mg @125°C
  • Total Ionizing Dose of 100 krad(Si)

Note:More technical information can be found in theSAMRH71 Datasheetlinked at the bottom of this page and in the product pages ofSAMRH71 MicroprocessorandSAMRH707 Microcontroller.

Component Datasheet

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