


一个TRIACis an electronic component that is widely used to control AC power. Unlikescr,,,,他们可以轻松切换和控制交流波形的两个部分。这使得该组件适用于需要交流电源控制的各种应用。一个示例应用程序将是dimmer circuit,从国内我们将其用作吊扇调节器电路。它们可用于控制电动机或电加热器的输入功率。

这就是为什么将TRIAC用于将高功率应用到SCR的低至中动力应用。尽管这是一个非常有趣的设备,但仍存在一个称为“泄漏电流”. And in this article, we will talk all about this leakage目前,它的负面影响,一些著名的solutions to resolve these issues. But before that, let's clear out the basics of TRIAC.




The TRIAC is an upgraded version of the Thyristor. As you already know by now, a thyristor can control current only in one direction, but a TRIAC can control the current for both the negative and positive directions. Because of the nature of the sine wave, TRIAC switches in every cycle of the sinewave, which means, unlike SCRs, we can utilize the full cycle. Like Thyristor, a TRIAC has three terminals, however assigning names to these terminals becomes a bit difficult, because simply the cathode and the anode of two SCRs are connected. Also, the gate terminal of two SCRs is connected, which is why this was named Anode 1 and Anode 2 or Main Terminal 1 and Main Terminal 2 (MT1 and MT2).


Before proceeding further, let’s gain a little bit of knowledge onTRIAC如何工作。从下面的图片中可以看到。


We have said earlier that a TRIAC can be realized as a configuration of two SCRs. The above image gives a little bit more clarity on the topic, but the operation at the semiconductor level is much more complex. Unlike SCR,,,,一个可以通过几种方式触发TRIAC,无论终端的极性如何,都可以触发它。它也可以触发,无论触发的极性如何pulse. One thing to note while working with TRIAC is that the sensitivity of the trigger current is much greater when the MT2 and gate current are in the same polarity. Now with the basic cleared out, we can move on to clearing out our main problem of leakage current.


晶闸管,,,,leyu.app ,或任何其他固态交流开关结构泄漏电流在关闭状态下,这就是为什么少量电流流过负载的原因,在某些情况下,该电路足以给负载电路(电感)充电并使其自发闪烁。为了防止这种情况,我们需要良好照顾细节并相应地设计电路,在本文的本节中,我们将对此进行更多讨论。



  1. Ensuring the Temperature does not exceed given Maximum Temperature Ratings Tj max. As temperature increases, the leakage当前通过设备增加,我们可以通过将特定的TRIAC品牌合并到特定要求中来消除/减少此问题。

  1. 我们可以通过将大的值电阻从栅极到阴极降低,可以降低TRIAC的灵敏度。这将减少门电流,从而减少泄漏电流。另一方面,它增加了TRIAC的转折时间。

  1. 如果无法应用上述方法,我们可以使用具有较低敏感门的TRIAC,并在OFF期间对栅极施加少量的反向偏置。在这种方法中,我们必须最大程度地减少通过门的功率耗散。

  1. 最小化泄漏的另一种方法current is to completely remove the冷冻电路,,,,depending on the type of load. Often thecapacitor leakage成为泄漏电流的主要来源,因此,通过消除Snubber网络,我们可以减少流经Snubber的流动并减少泄漏电流。


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